Sex Debbie's Sexercises

Sexercises are communication exercises that can be used individually or for couples.

Sex although a physical act of touch and enjoyment is actually significantly much more of a mental and emotional process. Intimate connection starts with communication.

Spending time communicating creates a closeness. We learn about each other. Weaving a picture of someone that is so much more than their physical body sat in front of us. Often a whole evening spent talking without distraction can create a greater connection than orgasm.

This is because you expose a vulnerability. So often the person we are in a sexual relationships with is the person we are least likely to discuss it with. This is because they are the person you are most vulnerable with. Naked, alone, without shield.

You worry if you were to bring something sensitive up concerning sex that there would be conflict or the discussion would be viewed as criticism. These are natural judgements of conversations when it come to sex and relationships. Because we find sex and relationships naturally uncomfortable to talk about thanks to the messages society constantly feeds us.

My sexercises help with this. Working together or alone to create an open safe environment to discuss sex. Helping start a conversation and an understanding about yourself and/or your partner about sex. The worksheets are downloadable and can be completed easily. They help guide an understanding of sex and relationships beyond the simple and expected penis in vagina experience. Try assigning an evening to complete without distractions.

Often we worry that pressure could be put on a date night = sex. If this is the case. Take sex off the table. Focus on the mental connection these communication exercises bring.

Regularly completing Sex Debbie Sexercises say once a month could help improve your sex life through communication.

We need to get out of our heads in order to enjoy sexual touch. But in order to do this we need to be completely transparent with our communication. Nobody is a mind reader. No matter if you’re in a long term relationships or looking for new sexual partners. No one person is the same. Their stories are all different. Our chapters have all taken different turns meaning the sexually have different turn ons and offs. Desire is nurtured differently and they physically enjoy different experiences. These differences between individuals can also be changes within one person.

We all evolve and change as people. What we once enjoyed in our teens may not be the same in our 20s/30s,and then later in life.

This is normal, natural and expected. It is not to say that you no longer enjoy sex. But that you enjoy sex differently. If you are in a long term relationship and haven’t communicated that your desire for sex has changed and how your pleasure can be sparked now, then we cannot expect for positive sexual interactions.

Thus often a decrease in sexual activity simply due to lack of communication. Perhaps for fear of embarrassment, vulnerability or conflict.

Sexercises create a simple effective set up for you to explore these situations. Explore each other. And help enhance and maintain your sexual relationships.

Sexercises are a start of self help. Many people don’t feel sex and relationships therapy is for them or their relationship. Perhaps you don’t feel at that point. My Sexercises seek to encourage communication on these tricky topics. Help improve and maintain relationships. Regardless of what stage they at, old, new, stuck in a rut or carefree.

Completing these kind of communication exercises fairly regularly could be introducing a positive habit in your relationship. A safe time and space for connection and honesty without conflict.

You can currently find 3 Sexercises on

Pleasure, Desire & Parenthood. All £2.99 each.

With more to be added soon. Download and enjoy.

Sex Debbie