Sex & Social Media

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Social media and corresponding technologies has had a huge impact on sex in our society. This can be both positive and negative, and more often than not it is seen by many as a controversial and harmful environment in which we gather an warped impression of the world around us.

Why would you talk about sex online?

The rising amount of accounts promoting open sexual discussion or sex education is important. Following accounts like mine on social media means you are both subconsciously and consciously absorbing sex positive messages as you scroll, click, like etc.

These accounts become like a community. Advocating for a cause. Promoting sexual wellness, enjoyable sex and relationships and sex education. Normalising these subjects in your every day newsfeeds then opens up conversations and discussions we may have previously felt too ashamed to raise for fear of vulnerability, embarrassment or conflict. These could be discussions with partners, children or friends. Or perhaps even help you in the future with prospective partners and understanding where previous relationships fell down.

The aim from accounts like @sex.debbie is always to provide information and resources that support you in your sexual relationships. As your understanding of sex and society becomes more informed your sexual relationship not only with partners but also yourself is strengthened. ensuring your sexual health, relationships and sexuality is more enjoyable.

I often have people say they have read a post of mine which has given them a lightbulb moment!

This is the real aim of why I do what I do. Relatability, seeing yourself in something I have described or explained. Those moments when we think, WOW that’s me! I’ve done that! I’ve felt that way! That makes sense now! They are what make the difference. To see yourself or your situation and understand that you are seen!

And it is not just me. I often share information and resources from so many other educators, brands and facilitators working to create a more sex positive society. For more on what this means see my Sex Positivity blog.

Why “Sex Debbie”?

My name is Debbie and I talk about sex. I really want to be clear cut and open about everything I do. The name Sex Debbie is often how I am referred to as I have always been that one friend/associate/friend of a friend that has studied sex, held sex education workshops and even worked as an party host for a well known sex toy and lingerie brand.

Just like you may say oh you know Hannah, Teacher Hannah! Or you know George, Blonde George. Well you know Debbie….SEX DEBBIE! No frills, or guises. Just me.

Its amazing how to just small few just the name Sex Debbie is enough to create an feeling of discomfort. An association with the word sex. Unpick why some may find this uncomfortable. It can be a social taboo to raise the topic of sex, let alone have your name associated with it. What will people think? I am so ready to challenge this and so many other social norms that are so deeply integrated into our society and social awareness.

With a balanced mix of education and life experience I really hope to impact on so many. Using social media as a window into my world. Come join me.

Like, follow, share. Your support means the world.

Sex Debbie