Body Confidence

When it comes to sex and relationships body image is a huge deal!

To be naked in front of someone, have someone touching you, experiencing you from angles they wouldn’t otherwise. It is vulnerable, powerful, and can be filled with adrenaline and anxiety.

As I always try to explain, communication is crucial to all sexual encounters. To enable the experience to be comfortable and pleasurable you need to be able to communicate likes, dislikes and discomforts.

Everyone struggles with self perception of their body in some way.

Whether it be stretch marks, acne scars, wobbly bits, genital size or shape. And when we have something that is concerning us it may overcome our conscious mind when it comes to sex. Thinking more about covering up or not letting them touch you there or preventing your vulnerabilities or insecurities in some way rather than being present in the moment and enjoying the sexual experience.

These body confidence concerns can also trickle into the emotional part of relationships as well as sexual. Feeling insecure and unworthy, worrying about cheating. How you portray yourself on social media. Image, it begins to warp your perceptions on so much.

The body positivity movement you often see online and in media is really very empowering. With many reminding themselves all their body does for them and celebrating who they are.

This doesn’t mean that you have to love your body, but also reminds us not to hate it. Be satisfied by all that it enables us to achieve.

Our bodies are hugely powerful things, that can give and receive great pleasure.

Small steps to help improve your body confidence:

  • Masturbation - exploring your sexual self - understand your body and what you enjoy physically.

  • Identifying what your concerns are.

  • Look at why you feel like that.

  • Remove sources of negativity - be it social media accounts you follow or perhaps re-evaluating some friendships/relationships you have.

  • Try not to compare yourself - you are loved. You are unique. You are enough.

  • Daily affirmations & gratitude - helping remind yourself of the positives and be more present

Sex Debbie